Ipswich MBA
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Welcome to the Ipswich Multiple Birth Association Membership Portal.
To join Ipswich Multiple Birth Association click here.
We know that as a new parent to twins, triplets or more, you are looking for support and programs as you traverse the world of being a multiple birth parent. Ipswich Multiple Birth Association (IMBA) offers a number of services specifically for new multiple birth parents, regardless of how many other children they already have.
IMBA was established in 1987 by local Mums and Dads of twins, triplets or more. Our association covers the boundaries of Springfield to Gatton and encompasses Ipswich and its surrounding areas of Esk, Toogoolawah and Boonah. To confirm that you are in the correct area for our club, please look up your address in the AMBA Club Finder.
Australia’s first club for mothers of multiples originated in Newcastle in 1969 and The Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA) was subsequently formed in 1974. AMBA is the national co-ordinating body of all multiple birth associations in Australia and by joining IMBA you gain affiliation with AMBA and all of the associated clubs.
As a non profit, volunteer based organisation our aims are to provide practical and emotional support, access to information, friendship and social functions. To allow an opportunity for parents to share their coping strategies and discuss events unique to their situation, through communicating and sharing of information on the care and raising of multiples.
To find out more about IMBA, please visit our website www.ipswich.amba.org.au.